Treasure Goddess Yarn - Intense, Saturated colors on Luxury Yarn bases with Yarn Pirate Style!
Don't you hate spending lots of money and time on a project with hand dyed yarn, only to realize at the end that it looks like yarn barf? ME TOO! That's why I started experimenting until I came up with dye techniques that WORK! My skeins help you create projects that look as gorgeous all knit up (& crocheted up & woven up) as they do in the skein!
Treasure Goddess Yarn is owned by me, Christine Long-Derks. I'm the head yarn pirate and I get by with a lot of help from my friends! I dye intense, saturated tonal colors on luxury yarn bases that take your breath away. I create yarn that lets you enjoy the process of creating as much as you love your finished items.
My logo is a Pirate Sheep and all my colorway names are pirate/ocean/mermaid related! Some of the best sellers are Ghost Ship (charcoal gray), Mermaid’s Curse (rich teal), Fathoms Deep (gorgeous navy blue) and Lusty Wench (fabulous orange)! Why a pirate sheep? Pirates sailed the seven seas searching the finest luxuries and having adventures. I sail the seven seas (of the internet and local fiber farms) to find the best fiber treasures. Who wouldn't want to hang out with a pirate sheep and grab some YARRRRNNNIE booty for themselves too? YARRRRNNN!
All yarns are hand dyed by me in a big red barn in the country. We open up the barn studio and have Yarn Parties each year! People come from all over the US to hang out and knit, crochet, shop, eat, drink and Yarn Party! We also host workshops in person and online.
Want to come along on the adventures? Yarn pirate friends get the best discounts, early access to sales and more! Sign up HERE!
Need to Contact Me? Email me Christine@TreasureGoddess.com
Want to get social? Treasure Goddess Yarn Social Links
Happy Creating and enjoy your YARRRRRNNN!

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